Cutie Chinita KIM - 

Kim Chiu is a cutie chinita girl joined the reality show to help her family and develop her talent.
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Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal EmptyTue 20 Mar - 11:23 by azle

» Rules
Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal EmptyFri 2 Feb - 4:24 by Admin

» What do you think?
Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal EmptySat 22 Jul - 21:21 by zindy

» Message for KIM?
Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal EmptySat 22 Jul - 6:00 by jhameznico

forum gratuit Annuaire des forums
Le bottin des forums Kouaa
Magiging Career ni KIm after ng PBB-Teen
Leading Lady nina Mikee at Gerald
Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal Vote_lcap33%Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal Vote_rcap
 33% [ 2 ]
Box Office Queen
Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal Vote_lcap33%Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal Vote_rcap
 33% [ 2 ]
Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal Vote_lcap17%Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal Vote_rcap
 17% [ 1 ]
Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal Vote_lcap17%Kim Chiu of Pinoy Big Brother-Teen - Portal Vote_rcap
 17% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 6
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